Vision: Unity in the canadian Church and songs the global Church wants to sing.

What’s the problem Crossroads is trying to solve through this project?

Crossroads wants to see a stronger church of Canada through the unification of its Worship.

Why Worship?

Worship is a unifying force in the church, as it is the common practice of all churches no matter their denominational differences.

Solution: Our desire is to bring the best and brightest worship leaders from across Canada together for collaborative national worship songwriting events.

We believe the hearts of these Canadian worship leaders are in tune with Jesus’ heart for unity and are waiting for someone to set the national table. John 17:20

We believe there is power in our songs. Songs shape us and anthems unite us. We believe there are battle cries for Canada that need to be crafted.

We believe that every province has pieces of these unifying anthems inside of them.

We believe in the power of iron sharpening iron. And an easy tactic of the evil one is to keep these worship leaders/writers apart to make them feel insignificant, alone and distant.

We believe Crossroads is a national hub equipped in setting a table of intentionality and excellence.

We believe that God will bless our gatherings and give Canada anthems that unite the body of Christ in our nation and around the world.

We trust that these leaders will go back to their provinces and communities ablaze with the fire that was created through this new national hub of unity - to bring it into the local church.

We believe in the power of innovating together and that as we build a trusted position within this group of collaborators, we will help amplify Crossroads’ position as a national church-unifying organization.

We believe this initiative can play a part in creating the missing Canadian infrastructure necessary to allow songs to grow beyond Canada, into the world to see Jesus lifted high.

Join Today!

Yes! We're excited to see Crossroads take a lead in moving songs and songwriting for the Canadian church forward!

Jeremy Johnson - Senior Pastor - The Village Church - Vancouver, BC